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get in touch

Got a question, a wedding coming up or a creative project you’d like to talk to us about? Please fill in the form below and I will get back to you within two working days.

Visit Field 216

We’re rooted in our community. Bishop Wilton is one of Yorkshire’s best kept secrets, and it’s a village with a real sense of kinship. We love to welcome visitors, especially creatives who could make good use of a beautiful backdrop and readily available flowers, foliage and grasses.

Field 216, Bishop Wilton York North Yorkshire

trade enquiry

Trade-based businesses are always welcome here at Field 216. If you’d like to receive our monthly flower list to see exactly how we can help your business to grow and expand through more sustainable, local sources, please signup to our trade newsletter.

Dot grows the most stunning range of flowers and foliage, including some unusual varieties with scent and movement that you simply don’t get from imported materials. As a wedding florist, her ‘pick your own’ option is particularly helpful when working to a particular colour palette and it is reassuring to both me and my customers to know that everything has been grown locally and without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides.

Field 216 FAQs

Anyone! Just ask for what you need and i’ll see if I can help!

They are all different. It depends on what you want, how many and when? If they are not displayed in the shop then please ask and I’ll always help if I can.

Yes, if you let me know that you wish to purchase for trade then I can let you have our trade application form.

We don’t use anything nasty, no herbicides, pesticides or other chemicals but we are not accredited as ‘organic’

No. Unfortunately, as a working farm, I don’t open to the public. I do sometimes invite customers to visit to pick their own or to hold conversations about weddings or events.

Got a question that’s not covered here?  Please get in touch for more information.